FixMyStreet support for Open311

FixMyStreet supports Open311 both as a client (sending reports made on the site to an external service via the Open311 protocol), and partly as a server (returning reports made on the site when queried via the Open311 protocol).

What is Open311?

In a nutshell, it's an international open standard that allows services to 'talk to' council systems.

As channels of communication diversify, it has become more and more important that council systems can recognise and accept reports from a variety of sources. For example, reports may come in via Twitter, SMS, email, services like FixMyStreet, and the council's own website.

Where can I find out more?

Open311 isn't as widely known as it deserves to be, so we wrote a short series of blog posts to explain the basics. And you can find out lots more at

Why does it matter?

If you oversee problem reports at a council, you will of course be concerned about future-proofing your communication channels in an easy and economical way – Open311 gives you that assurance.

Any questions?

We're always happy to talk. Just drop us a line.

Open311 API za server

Trenutačno radi samo pretraživanje i pregledavanje prijava.

Razvoj API implementacije je u tijeku te još nije stabilizrana. Ubuduće će se mijenjati bez upozorenja.

Većinom 1000 su zahtjevi vraćeni na query. Vraćeni zahtjevi poredani su prema traženom_datumu, pa da biste dobili sve zahtjeve, pretražite nekoliko puta sa pomičnim datumom_početka i završetka_.

The following Open311 v2 attributes are returned for each request: service_request_id, description, lat, long, media_url, status, requested_datetime, updated_datetime, service_code and service_name.

Nadalje, sljedeća svojstva koja nisu dio Open311 v2 specifikacija su vraćena: agencijski _poslano_datum-vrijeme, naslov (također vraćen kao dio opisa), sučelje_korišteno, brojač_komentara, ime_pretražitelja(prisutno samo ako je tražitelj dopustio prikaz imena na ovoj stranici).

Open311 v2 atribut agency_responsible koristi se za popis uprava koje su zaprimile prijavu problema te ne odgovara posve načinu na koji je atribut definiran u specifikaciji Open311 v2.

Osim pretraživanja prijava, moguće je pretražiti i odgovorne_agencije kako biste ograničili prijave na one poslane određenom uredu. Pojam za pretraživanje je IB pojedinog ureda kojeg možete saznati pomoću MaPit.



The following search parameters can be used:

Search for numeric ID of specific request. Using this is identical to asking for a individual request using the /requests/number.format URL.
Search for the given category / service type string.
Search for open or closed (fixed) requests.
Only return requests with requested_datetime set after or at the date and time specified. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+TZ:TZ.
Only return requests with requested_datetime set before the date and time specified. Same format as start_date.
ID of government body receiving the request. Several IDs can be specified with | as a separator.
Name / identifier of interface used.
Search for entries with or without photos. Use value 'true' to only get requests created with images, and 'false' to get those created without images.
Max number of requests to return from the search. If it is larger than the site specific max_requests value specified in the discovery call, the value provided is ignored.

The search result might look like this:

        <recipient>Statens vegvesen region øst</recipient>
      <description>Mangler brustein: Det støver veldig på tørre dager.  Her burde det vært brustein.</description>
      <detail>Det støver veldig på tørre dager.  Her burde det vært brustein.</detail>
      <interface_used>Web interface</interface_used>
      <requestor_name>Petter Reinholdtsen</requestor_name>
      <title>Mangler brustein</title>